Saturday, July 9, 2016

Still Under Construction

As I got back into my workout regimen today, I was in my feelings about all the things that had taken place lately. I needed an outlet, so I decided to write this poem.
Shattered windows. Shattered dreams. Ulterior motives it seems. Pieces of him. Pieces see of me. It’s just too bad the blind are the first to . Legacies undone. A man gone before the sun. Set on his life. Fatherless kids gloom amongst the ranks. Souls torn for they have witnessed the Shawshank before the redemption. It’s sad because some may never get this. The past remain the present with heavily coated makeup. Covering up all the blemishes. Showing the beautiful exterior when it the interior that is “Still under construction.” Keep out and skull bones signs show there is imminent danger, but how can one know when the package has been adorned to protect?
Picture above found at:,under-construction-sign-png-clipart

Friday, July 8, 2016

Children's Book Festival 2016 (Camden, New Jersey)

Well guys,

It's almost that time. The Children's Book Festival of 2016 is almost here. +ADC Kid ™ and Hampton Publishing House, LLC ( have been working hard acquiring the authors and #sponsors for the event. We have two more spots available or supporting #businesses, #illustrators, or #authors. Interested? Visit the events page at Hampton Publishing House, LLC for details.

Save the Date!

Books by authors of the Children's Book Festival